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Mount Zion Sanctuary Assemblies


God Intervenes When Sin Goes Unchecked

Subject: God Intervenes When Sin Goes Unchecked  

Scripture Reading: Genesis 19: 1 - 25 

Memory Verses: Psalm 50: 21 & 22 

Objective: To caution us regarding the fact that unconfessed sins multiply and end in disaster. 


1.       Abraham pleaded with God not to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, as stated in Genesis 18: 20 - 33. However, after God could not find ten (10) righteous persons in the two cities, what did He do? Genesis 19: 12, 13, 24 & 25

2.       What moved God to wipe out the entire antediluvian world with a flood, sparing only Noah, his family and some animals? Genesis 6: 1 - 7, 11 - 13, Genesis 7: 4, 17 – 23

3.       God is no respecter of persons. What divine judgement is left on record against His chosen people for their ongoing sinful and rebellious actions? Isaiah 5: 8 – 25, Isaiah 3: 8 – 11

4.       The Bible speaks expressly about what sin offers. Identify this message in Romans 6: 23. And how does our God, who is rich in love and mercy, entreats His followers to avoid destruction? Isaiah 1: 16 - 20

5.       When sin becomes chronic in our lives, evil will be determined against us. How did it end for Hophni and Phinehas? 1 Samuel 2:  12 - 17 & 34, 1 Samuel 4: 16 - 17

6.       How plainly does God warn us in Luke 13: 1 - 5? (Also consider Hebrews 12: 28 - 29)


7.       How did God deal with the ‘man after His own heart’ when he gave the enemy occasion to blaspheme? 2 Samuel 12: 7 - 15 & 19


8.       The fact that we serve a merciful God allows some of us to practice sin according to Ecclesiastes 8: 11. However, how does God seek to make us aware that His silence in no way, shape nor form means that He agrees with us? Psalm 50: 16 – 22

Note: God’s will for man is that we do not perish but have everlasting life. He loves us with an everlasting love, but He hates sin. The scriptures clearly state that our iniquities separate us from God. Let us seek to honour Him with our lives. If God is not getting glory from us being alive, then our living is definitely in vain. We cannot stand the wrath of God. Let us not provoke Him to move against us, but rather let us purpose in our hearts to live above sin. Live for Him who died for us.

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