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Mount Zion Sanctuary Assemblies


Is There Not a Cause?

Subject: Is There Not a Cause? 

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 17: 22 - 32 

Memory Verses: 1 Samuel 17: 28 & 29      


Objective: To provoke the desire to rise up and stamp out sin.


1.       What stringent measures did Nehemiah put in place to ensure that God’s holy day was honoured? Nehemiah 13: 15 - 22


2.       How did Phinehas respond to the open abomination in the Israelites’ camp? Numbers 25: 10 & 11. Did his efforts go unnoticed or unrewarded by a just God? Numbers 25: 8 - 13 


3.       When Israel went contrary to the commands of God by intermarrying with the heathen nations, how did Ezra, the priest, respond to their treacherous actions? Ezra 9: 1 – 5, Ezra 10: 1 - 5 & 9 - 12 


4.       What rude awakening did those who took it upon themselves to make God’s house into a trading center receive? John 2: 13 - 17  


5.       How did Josiah seek to appease God’s wrath for all the sins that Israel committed before his tenure? 2 Chronicles 34: 1 - 7, 14 - 21


6.       Aaron made a golden image for the children of Israel to worship. How did Moses demonstrate his disapproval of this idolatrous act? Exodus 32: 19 - 29


7.       What drove a youth to go up against a giant, the Philistine champion, Goliath? 1 Samuel 17: 26 – 29


8.       In what subtle way did Jehu get rid of the Baal worshippers? 2 Kings 10: 18 - 28. Also, how did Elijah showcase the omnipotence of his God? 1 Kings 18: 21 - 40


Conclusion: In such a time as this when sin is rampant, some people have become dormant. There is a need for more Josiahs, Phinehas, Moses, Jehus and Davids, who are zealous for the work of the Lord. Men who are not afraid to fight giants, stay the plague, purge the place from all abominations, stand firmly against Sabbath breakers and are public defenders. Are we so far gone that we are not concerned about spiritual apathy and continue in fallacy? Like David, when faced with strong opposition, the conscious ones will ask the pertinent question ‘Is there not a cause?’ Like our dearly beloved martyrs, we must remain true to the faith of our fathers. Be like the man of God and cry out against the altar. 

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